Chaotic management of ticket sales AFF Cup 2010 finals both reap the spotlight spicy from the Indonesian Consumers Foundation. Daily Management YLKI, Tulus Abadi, said the PSSI not professionally managing events of international scale.

"PSSI mismanagement," said Tulus in Republika, on Sunday (26/12). According to him, PSSI one anticipated the enthusiasm of people was so great to watch the final match. Supposedly, PSSI can anticipate the interest of potential viewers who exploded.

The trick, according to Heartfelt, PSSI was already done but not optimal. That opened the ticket booth as much as possible so there is no hoarding of the queue. And sell tickets online.

Yang YLKI Unfortunately, this method is used both Malaysia and managed without eating the victim or riot in the stadium. "If Malaysia can why not Indonesia? example Malaysia, purchase tickets directly very little. In fact, originally called Malyasia not enthusiastic audience. Apparently, the bulk of the audience to buy on line," he said.

"Why not learn PSSI simple thing. Good management manuals to on-line ticket,"he lamented. Sincerely hope the situation two days there was no riot like Sunday Ticket again