Zack Lee-Nafa Urbach Siapkan Nama Anak

Posted by hsjinsbsjvbwnhn | 9:24 PM | | 0 comments »

Couple Nafa Urbach Zack Lee and had a few months this "down". They do not much appear in the media. There is what in the world? Apparently, Nafa was pregnant, and now in its seventh month.
"During pregnancy, Nafa while not sing or perform other heavy events," said Zack Lee in a conversation at the weekend. Nafa focus on maintaining its condition before the month of pregnancy parents of their first child.

Well, what girl guy, Zack? "Girl," Zack said excitedly. Doctors estimate the date of the birth of their baby was on 15 February. Zack and Nafa has prepared a number of candidate names for their daughter. Strongest candidate is Mikaela. "Mika vocation," said Zack.
When the matter first name can be spelled wrong, just about the last name that is now being confused Zack. The family asked for the name Jawono also included. Zack a little hesitant. However, he admitted that he still would put the family name.
He is also seeking the name of Lee's entry in the series name of Mika, who was born by planned caesarean section in a private hospital. "In Indonesia, the dong," said Zack, referring to a private hospital name.
Well, while Nafa and Zack is not much went on stage and acting on screen, stoneware family stay safe in the hands of the prospective father. He has some serious business this long. When the family Jawono known as a supplier of vegetables to various places, then Zack meat business. Importing from Australia, Zack supplying meat to a number of supermarkets, hotels and restaurants. Other side is a talent management be busy in the ria.
Of course, all acted by the prospective new member of the family. Healthy yes, Mika and Nafa!

Pasangan Zack Lee dan Nafa Urbach sudah beberapa bulan ini "tiarap". Mereka tak banyak muncul di media massa. Ada apa gerangan? Rupanya, Nafa tengah hamil, dan kini memasuki bulan ketujuh.

"Selama hamil, Nafa sementara tidak menyanyi maupun melakukan kegiatan berat lainnya," kata Zack Lee di suatu perbincangan di akhir pekan lalu. Nafa berfokus menjaga kondisinya menjelang bulan tua kehamilan anak pertama mereka.

Nah, cowok apa cewek, Zack? "Cewek," kata Zack bersemangat. Dokter memperkirakan tanggal kelahiran bayi mereka itu pada 15 Februari. Zack dan Nafa sudah menyiapkan sejumlah calon nama untuk putri mereka itu. Kandidat terkuatnya adalah Mikaela. "Panggilannya Mika," kata Zack.

Bila soal nama depan sudah bisa dibilang beres, justru soal nama belakang yang kini sedang dipusingkan Zack. Pihak keluarganya meminta nama Jawono diikutkan juga. Zack agak ragu. Namun, ia mengaku tetap akan memasang nama keluarga.

Ia juga mengusahakan nama Lee masuk dalam rangkaian nama Mika, yang direncanakan lahir dengan operasi caesar di sebuah rumah sakit swasta. "Di Indonesia, dong," kata Zack, menyebut sebuah nama rumah sakit swasta.

Nah, sementara Nafa dan Zack sedang tak banyak naik panggung maupun berakting di layar kaca, periuk keluarga tetap aman di tangan si calon ayah. Ia sudah beberapa lama ini serius berbisnis. Bila keluarga Jawono dikenal sebagai pemasok sayur-mayur ke berbagai tempat, maka Zack berbisnis daging. Mengimpor dari Australia, Zack memasok daging ke sejumlah supermarket, hotel dan restoran. Sampingan lainnya adalah bersibuk ria di manajemen bakat.

Tentu, semuanya dilakoni demi si calon anggota baru keluarga. Sehat-sehat ya, Mika dan Nafa!