Indonesia descendant of the legendary singer, Daniel Sahuleka admitted fascinated with music keroncong. Not only that, bloody singer Ambon was also very impressed with the late Mbah Solo Gesang and music that has worldwide.
"Since childhood, my mother always let out keroncong music. And this keroncong music makes me like this, "said the singer of old songs 'You Make My World So Colourful' it.

Daniel's childhood was not free with the music keroncong. This is none other than because the mother is a singer keroncong.

Besides music keroncong, Daniel also admire keroncong music legend, the late Mbah dilantunkannya Gesang and the songs, 'Solo'.

Daniel has special memories about his admiration for the song 'Solo'. "Before I ever gig in Hanoi And one time, drivers I sing 'Solo' but with the language of Vietnam. Wow, "said Daniel
full of admiration.

Besides love with music keroncong, Daniel also likes cooking pecel. When in Solo, Daniel also tasted some traditional cuisine. For her dishes have a very original taste.

"I used pecel often cooked by my mother. So I like to recall the past, "he said.