Machica Mochtar back new evidence related to h

Machica Beberkan Foto Hamil Saat Bersama Moerdiono 
is marriage to Moerdiono. Evidence in the form of photographs with Moerdiono when she was pregnant.

Machica submit photos of him with Moerdiono to the police on Wednesday (04/27/2011) as proof that he is married to former Secretary of State.

Previously, Poppy Dharsono blamed if marriage is only a Moerdiono Machica and engineering. So even with their wedding photographs.

"There is new evidence, because the photographs that have been considered croping's. I have the original since that time there has been no technique croping's," said Machica when found in the Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta.

"There are also photos when I was three months pregnant with my Mr. Moer," he continued.
Machica Mochtar kembali membeberkan bukti baru terkait pernikahannya dengan Moerdiono. Bukti tersebut berupa foto bersama Moerdiono saat dirinya sedang hamil.

Machica menyerahkan foto-foto dirinya bersama Moerdiono kepada pihak kepolisian, Rabu (27/4/2011) sebagai bukti kalau dirinya memang menikah dengan mantan Menteri Sekretaris Negara itu.

Sebelumnya, Poppy Dharsono menuding kalau pernikahan Machica dan Moerdiono hanya sebuah rekayasa. Begitu pun dengan foto-foto pernikahan mereka.

"Ada bukti baru, karena foto-foto yang selama ini dianggap croping-an. Saya punya aslinya karena saat itu belum ada teknik croping-an," ujar Machica saat ditemui di Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta.

"Ada juga foto waktu saya hamil tiga bulan bareng Pak Moer," lanjutnya.