Krisdayanti: Kehamilan Ini Rezeki Dari Tuhan

Posted by hsjinsbsjvbwnhn | 11:30 PM | | 0 comments » - slanted news about the pregnancy artist Kris Kristofferson is fulfilled. Ex-wife of musician Anand Hermansyah was finally responding to news that her pregnancy has entered the age of five months.
"I should not be down because it can affect the fetus that my siblings and I have to accept this provision (children) from God," says Kris Kristofferson in Go Spot morning show on Tuesday (05/03/2011).
Wife of a businessman from Dili, Raul Lemos was ready to be responsible with what he had done. Because the KD immediately undergo consent granted immediately, after learning her pregnancy at the time.

"Up to this size we would be given the responsibility, if I am accountable with my husband with the consent granted and some even hold a reception after the new birth," he explained.

Counting The Days song singer is also thought that his marriage with Raul is not just looking for suitability, but more of a commitment, including the form of responsibility towards all that already happened.

"Moreover, I've grown and her marriage was not just looking for a match but how to run a commitment," he said. - Kabar miring tentang kehamilan artis Krisdayanti terjawab sudah. Mantan istri musisi Anang Hermansyah itu akhirnya menanggapi berita kehamilannya yang sudah memasuki usia lima bulan tersebut.
"Saya tidak boleh down karena bisa berpengaruh pada janin yang saya kandung dan saya harus terima rezeki ini (anak) dari Tuhan," ujar Krisdayanti dalam tayangan Go Spot pagi, Selasa (03/05/2011).

Istri pengusaha asal Dili, Raul Lemos itu siap bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang sudah dilakukannya. Karena KD segera menjalani ijab kabul segera, setelah mengetahui kehamilannya saat itu.

"Sampai sebesar ini kita pasti diberikan tanggung jawab, kalau saya mempertanggungjawabkannya bersama suami saya dengan ijab kabul bahkan ada yang setelah melahirkan baru mengadakan resepsi," terangnya.

Pelantun tembang Menghitung Hari ini pun beranggapan bahwa pernikahannya dengan Raul bukan hanya mencari kecocokan, tapi lebih dari sebuah komitmen, termasuk bentuk tangung jawab terhadap segala yang terlanjur terjadi.

"Apalagi saya sudah dewasa dan pernikahannya itu bukan hanya mencari kecocokan tapi bagaimana menjalankan sebuah komitmen," tandasnya.