Krisdayanti: Raul Lebih Putih dari Saya

Posted by hsjinsbsjvbwnhn | 10:01 PM | | 0 comments »

Keeping Jakarta beauty facial skin becomes an obligation for women, not least the caliber singer Kris Kristofferson. The former wife claimed that Anand Hermasyah including women who really pay attention to facial skin.

Krisdayanti: Raul Lebih Putih dari Saya

"I included women who enjoy the ritual of cleansing the face, make up and all macemnya, Yes it's nothing I emang diligent bersihin face," said KD on the show 'Black and White' studio hangar, Jewel, South Jakarta (05/03/2011) .

What about her husband, Raul Lemos? As alluded to Deddy Corbuzier presenter at the event, KD even praised her husband's skin, how come?

"Who says Raul black? Raul was white tablets, compared to you (deddy) Raul was originally even whiter than me, deep white," he said again, laughing.

Furthermore, he was grateful for her life now. He thought Raul was the mate who was sent of God for him.

"Because the problem mate, fortune and all that ngatur my God, so I just run aja," he said.
