Pacar Baru, Ikke Nurjanah Belum Akan Nikah

Posted by hsjinsbsjvbwnhn | 10:05 PM | | 0 comments »

                    Ikke Nurjanah (Foto:Tomi Tresnady/okezone)

JAKARTA - Ikke Nurjanah has a new girlfriend named Indra. While it has potential, Ikke not want to get married after her ex-husband, Aldi 'Bragi'.
"Nah there followed one after another. We prefer to think the commitment's all. It's only proceed only. So hot ya when asked about the couple," said Ikke accompanied by laughter, when found in Nyi Ageng Serang Building, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Sunday ( 05/12/2010).

According to the widow of one child, with Indra no chatter about the wedding. "Nothing ever married and did not target diobrolin about marriage," he said.

Ikke very closed to talk about the identity of her new lover. Dangdut singer who once went out with popcorn named Fadlan was more like talking about the positive influence of Indra in the life and musical career.

"He likes you enter, but still a positive discussion. He's too protest kok baseball when it comes to the appearance of a gig. Usually, even a captious artist management. So far there has been no complaint from him," he explained.

Indra, said Ikke, not demanding this and that. "He wanted me to become what it is. It is to avoid complaints from the girlfriend," he added.