Jakarta Thousands and thousands of women how to be done to maintain the appearance, such as plastic surgery or botox injections. But not for the beautiful artist Marissa Nasution. He actually considers all of that overstatement is used to keep up appearances.

Anggap Operasi Plastik Berlebihan, Marissa Nasution Terima Apa Adanya

It was mentioned by 25-year-old artist after a press screening for his latest film 'Boys Make Dizzy' at Planet Hollywood XXI, on Wednesday (28/04/2011). Former lover presenter Daniel Mananta it preferred to receive what is what is in his body.

"I feel personally made ​​(plastic surgery) was too much, we thank aja what it is, why try to be different?" he said.

For the business of skin care, movie star 'Get Married 2' was more like a darker color than to white like many women's desires. According to him, the dark color makes her more fresh.

Until now, Marissa is still grateful to what is on her now. "Be happy with your self, respect for which is given," he advised.
Jakarta Beribu-ribu cara dilakukan wanita untuk menjaga penampilannya, seperti operasi plastik atau suntik botox. Tapi tidak untuk artis cantik Marissa Nasution. Ia justru menganggap semua itu berlebihan jika dipakai untuk menjaga penampilan.

Hal itu disampaikan artis berumur 25 tahun itu usai press screening film terbarunya 'Cowok Bikin Pusing' di Planet Hollywood XXI, Rabu (28/4/2011). Mantan kekasih presenter Daniel Mananta itu lebih memilih menerima apa adanya apa yang ada di tubuhnya.

"Saya merasa buat pribadi (operasi plastik) itu terlalu berlebihan, kita terima aja apa adanya, kenapa berusaha jadi beda?" ujarnya.

Untuk urusan perawatan kulit, bintang film 'Get Married 2' itu lebih menyukai warna yang lebih gelap dibanding harus berkulit putih seperti dambaan banyak wanita. Menurutnya, warna gelap membuat dirinya lebih fresh.

Sampai saat ini, Marissa masih bersyukur dengan apa yang ada di dirinya sekarang. "Be happy with your self, menghargai yang sudah dikasih," sarannya.