Cinta Laura Kuliah di Kampus Barack Obama

Posted by hsjinsbsjvbwnhn | 1:09 AM | | 0 comments »

Jakarta happy news coming from artist Laura Love. After following several tests, the singer of 'You Say I' was accepted at Columbia University, United States, the same campus where U.S. President Barack Obama college.

Love can proudly claim to finally get an education in the 5th largest university in the world. There, he will take juruan psychology and law.

"I just love learning about people, so I take for S2 majoring in psychology and I take the law," he said when met at the Novotel Mangga Dua, Jakarta, Monday (06/06/2011).

The desire to continue his studies in the United States has long dreamed of. In fact, he was willing to leave the world of entertainment for the sake of higher education.

"If the world of entertainment still just hobbyists, since I was a teenager and he wasalso still young ,there is still time to pursue a career after college ,"he said .

Surely it would be a lot of fans who miss the figure of the stars 'celebrity city of Yogyakarta (SKJ)' it. The plan he will depart to the Land of Uncle Sam on August 6, 2011. As a sign of farewell, he also plans to work on the album special.

"breakup album as the last album I was in Indonesia. So before I left for New York I wanted to share with friends," said Love.
